Monday, April 14, 2014

Migration to new blog!

It's been sometime since I posted something up here, I was surprised how long....

My time has mostly been spent absorbed into the local modelling scene and so I have had little chance to research any further additions to this blog. However I have decided to continue blogging on a brand new blog which is modelling focused but will cover real-world prototypes as well.
I will not be closing this blog down but updates may be very sporadic!

I invite everyone to join me over at where I will be ruminating over everything from Kadee knuckle couplers to who has kits avaliable to build an LNWR 'Jumbo' (and a bit on the real thing). I would be delighted to answer any and all requests for articles, any questions or comments and indeed will do my best to ensure as much variety as possible is covered.

Thankyou to my patient readers and hope to surprise you all with much more regular updates.



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