Thursday, March 26, 2009

Excellent Railway Prints "Locos in Profile"

(note: this post didn't go through earlier when I said it was, I only just noticed)

I have recently found a site that offers some of the most detailed profile prints of steam engines I have ever seen- technical precision to every nut and bolt. They're drawn from a combination of sources- works pictures, technical drawings and shots of the engines in service. So far I've had a look at- and am purchasing eventually- the B-17 'Sandringham' and the magnificent 'Cock o' the North'.

So far, there about about ten different prints available- however, what sets this site apart is the 'type submission' section- where you can nominate your favourite engines to be done next! (I have emailed already requesting, you guessed it, Jeanie Deans, the artist knew of the class and said he would consider it if there was more call for pre-grouping types)

The price is fair at around 20-30 pounds for a single print (depends on type of engine you're buying).


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