Firstly, an examination of what makes the LNER (London & North Eastern Railway) locomotives more attractive for myself and others than say the LMS or the mighty locos of the GWR or the Bullied Pacifics of the Southern.
The LNER hosted some of the most attractive and successful locomotives that have seen service anywhere, some still in operation. The designers (Gresley, Thompson and Peppercorn) gave us marvellous designs like the A1/A3, the P2, the A4, V2, A2, B1, N2...names like Mallard, Flying Scotsman, Mayflower, Green Arrow, Blue Peter that linger on in the memory. And who could fail to be charmed by their first glance of 4472?
OF course, the same can be said for the other railways in the 'big four'. Indeed, they too have their own strengths/weaknesses as does the LNER. Despite this blog being biased towards the LNER, I am also happy to praise the other lines and some of their marvellous vehicles as well. 'Kings' to 'Royal Scots'. Oliver Bulleid (look! I spelt it right) in particular is a favourite of mine thanks to his innovativeness, viz the Q1 and the 'Leader'.
Australia wise, I don't have a particular bias, but South Australia definately has some of my favorites: the Amercian designer Webb brought us some massively powerful 520 4-8-4s that looked good too...although NSW had some mighty Garratts..
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Love the LNER
Posted by Klink at Tuesday, February 19, 2008 1 comments
Greetings! Welcome to the Line
Hi everybody: welcome to the Rail blog of Klink from Australia.
In this blog, I'll talk about everyting rail-related: most specifically on British and Australian sources. You'll read treatises on locmotives, designers, comparisons of the 'big-four', pre- and post-nationalisation railways, the Beeching Axe, modern british lines, Australian steam and diesel devleopment, state-to-state rail rivalry (for you british, each state had its own gauge up tll about twenty years ago: broad, standard or even narrow for queensland...), stories from Australian lines..
Railfans, feel free to add your opinions/ ideas and add-ons to my thoughts.
Posted by Klink at Tuesday, February 19, 2008 0 comments